Saturday, October 04, 2008

Book of the week

"Gold is where you find it -- and so is sex appeal!" declares a 1953 story from the magazine Sexology, part of this fine collection of articles from the publication's archives. Other gems of wisdom gathered here include:

"We are far too preoccupied with female busts, declared Dr. Goodrich C. Schauffler, a gynecologist teaching at the University of Oregon."

"Fetishes are the love beggars' crumbs of happiness."

"Virgin-wives, as a result of their frigidity, are generally sadistic."

"Growth of this hair on [female] thighs, as well as on the legs generally, means an almost irresistible inclination towards sensuality."

"...[In] the sexual sphere Hitler was completely frustrated and unable to complete the sex act with a single one of the many women with whom his name was linked."


Anonymous said...

We are far too preoccupied with female busts... to what? Win the cold war? I'm trying to see the downside. Perhaps they're the crumbs of happiness for this love beggar.

Feral Mom said...

Glad, as always, to know that I am almost irresistibly inclined towards sensuality! I thought so, but it's nice to have back up.