Friday, July 20, 2007

Oh, fer cryin' out loud!

Lucy called me this afternoon, laughing, to ask if I'd heard about Scholastic's screw-up. Since I have been enjoying a media-free weekend (and after this post will continue to do so, at least until I've finished HP7), I told her I didn't know what she was talking about.

She said Scholastic mailed HP7 directly to all of Amazon's customers, and at least some of those books arrived today, more than 12 hours before the official on-sale date. We know that because our friend, KB, is one of those people who got her book today. KB got a call from Amazon shortly after her package arrived; the discount behemoth asked her not to open the book until midnight, and in exchange they would offer her a $50 gift certificate (and presumably their undying gratitude). If I had been KB, I would have said, "No problem," accepted the gift certificate with thanks, and then gone back to my reading as soon as I hung up.

Scholastic filed a lawsuit against a wholesaler that shipped 1200 copies of HP7 to customers earlier this week. Then they go and screw up their own contractual requirements by mailing hundreds of thousands of copies early. I think everyone who didn't order a copy from Amazon should file a class action lawsuit against Scholastic on the grounds that we were deprived of hours of pleasure enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of other people.

And oh my god: what a TERRIBLE job! How would you like the thankless task of calling people and telling them not to read Harry Potter before midnight? It is to laugh... and shudder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm into bad karma and all, but I was a good girl and never opened the book before it was actually released. What it got me was my husband grabbed it and started it first!