I'm aware that some of my reading audience may not have yet finished HP7, so you'll find no spoilers here. I will say that, in general, it was a satisfying read. J.K. Rowling could have ended the novel any of several ways; I approve of the choices she made in wrapping things up. She has said that she doesn't like the idea of another writer producing any further adventures of Harry Potter off in the distant future, and her conclusion of the series kind of sets any presumptuous hacks up to look cheesy if they try to do so.
Curtis and Norman kindly picked up my copy of the book at midnight on Friday. I tried and tried to stay awake, but I finally had to turn in. The last thing I heard before I conked out was the sound of Curtis' motorcycle taking off for the bookstore. I had arranged for the two of them to bypass the long line of customers -- about 600 strong -- and instead pick up Norman's and my books and Curtis' CDs in the VIP line, which was tucked away upstairs and only had about a dozen people in it.
I've been dying to call and ask what you think of HP7 but didin't want to interrupt. Thanks for the spoiler free update. Being in the middle of book 5, I'm not sure how I'll managed to avoid spoilers but I'm gonna try.
See you soon!
Congratulations, the link with the picture of the toenail that fell off almost made me throw up. First time in years an image has done that.
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