I asked my good friend Norman, who's a bit of a brownie fiend, his opinion of the Baker's Edge pan, and his answer surprised me:
Re: edge lovers, I could write an essay about this relatively mundane matter. When it comes to brownies, I do like the vaguest hint of crisp, as it were, maybe only for the sake of variety (a la, on the savory side, mac-&-cheese "skin") or for my subconscious need to establish that the brownies were indeed submitted to a high temperature for an appreciable amount of time. A single narrow edge is sufficient (and hardly critical), and unlike w/ a frosted cake, I would never opt for a corner piece. Of course, any outer brownie runs a greater risk of what plagues far too many of its brethren, wherever their original placement in the pan: dryness. A scoop of vanilla ice cream is an ideal corrective and should be on hand in any event.
Huh. I would have pegged Norman as a soft-and-puffy fellow, but I did know about his fondness for "skin." He went on to compliment the brownies I bake: "The delightful peanut butter chunks in your recipe perform, among other things, a similar function [to ice cream] and have taken me to a new level of brownie appreciation." Awfully sweet of him, especially considering I use a mix from Betty Crocker. On the (very rare) occasions that I do want to bake brownies from scratch, I use this unusual recipe.
You sweet talker, Betty Crocker.
I totally agree with you. Center brownies are THE BEST!
You are correct on the brownies.
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