Thursday, May 28, 2009

Specious argument of the week

"Are gay people forbidden from marrying members of the opposite sex in NY? Let's be careful when saying rights are unqeual. Just because gay people would generally not have an interest in marrying someone of the opposite sex does not mean their rights are infringed. Straight people are just as restricted from marrying someone of the same sex. This isn't a straight people are allowed to do something gay people aren't issue. It is a no one, gay or straight, can marry someone of the same sex issue. Let's be careful when saying someones rights are being limited."

from a comment to "The Ad That Will Halt Gay Marriage In Its Tracks"

Uh, no. Gonna have to disagree with you there.


Lucy said...

That is possibly the most retarded logic I've ever heard of. Is that genius actually proud of that statement? What a wingnut?

Michele said...

That doesn't even make any sense. Why would a gay person want to marry someone of the opposite sex or why would a straight person want to marry someone of the same sex? Weirdness!