Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Distractingly cute book cover of the week

Awww, man, how am I supposed to get any work done with this little guy staring at me? In October, HarperCollins is publishing a book called Grandma's Dead with an equally adorable beagle puppy on the cover in a similar pose; it's a book of postcards, and the subtitle is Breaking Bad News with Baby Animals.


uncouthheathen said...

I can't tell if you're totally lying to me about that book, and it's left me feeling quite ashamed of myself for always being so fucking gullible. You've turned my Thursday afternoon upside down.

shandon said...

Are you talking about Grandma's Dead? I assure you, it's real. I saw a great promo piece for it yesterday: a postcard of a sweet little duckling, with the caption IT'S SYPHILIS.

uncouthheathen said...

Oh man...I'm gonna need that book, then. I will definitely have to add it to my Outlook calendar reminders for October.