Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fill 'er up

Yep, Sean will now be pumping his own fuel at home. Today a barrel of waste vegetable oil, or WVO, was delivered to the house. This is used cooking oil that has been filtered and de-watered so it can be used as automotive fuel. Sean's been joking about the savory aroma that pure soybean oil gives off when it combusts in his engine, but the WVO probably will smell like french fries or onion rings when it heats up. Yum, the junk food-mobile! It's recycling at its best -- and, at $2.59 per gallon, about a dollar less per gallon than diesel gasoline.

Guess I'll have to change out my bumper sticker for one that reads "used cooking oil."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that you can run a car on WVO. So how often do you have to have a delivery of WVO?