I had a wonderful dinner out with friends and family last night -- we ate at the North Woods Inn, where the thirteen of us consumed enough food to feed a small village for a month.
At the end of the meal, when the waiter brought the check, Susan said to him, "I was told that I could get a separate check for me and those two." She waved at Mary and Cameron, sitting several people away.
"Which two?" he asked.
"Them. The little girl and the blonde." The waiter nodded and went off to rework the check.
"'Little girl'?" said six-year-old Cameron scornfully.
Mary, who by this time was pretty sick of Cameron's whining and shenanigans, snapped, "Look around. Do you see any other little girls at this table?"
Cameron started to laugh and pointed across the table. "Howard!"
Later, hopped up on sleep deprivation and sugar, Cameron forced Curtis to perform an interspecies wedding between her stuffed squirrel and lemur.
I'm so glad you've immortalized the highlights of your birthday celebration here. I'm especially fond of the PERFECT accompanying photo. Well done!!! (Sorry Howard)
It was either this photo or the one of Howard in his Catholic schoolgirl uniform -- not sure why I went with this one...
I'm sure this Howard thanks you for your modicum of restraint. Don't further pollute the web w/ such perversion.
Sounds like a challenge, Norman. Better watch yourself.
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