I admire a man who's upfront about what he wants. I passed this guy on the freeway the other day, and my hat's off to you, sir, in appreciation of your honesty. Can you make it out? "BTW" is stenciled on his door, and it's spelled out for us on his back window: BIG TITTY WOMEN. The mag wheels and camo paint job are just icing on the cake.
Who could resist?
Now I'll think twice about using the abbreviation BTW in an email...or maybe I'll use it more often now!
Don't men know that women look at "cars" like this and think "Oh dear. He's got the smallest penis known to man."? At least, that's what I always think. You're a better person than I to give him the benefit of the doubt!
Rats. I was trying for sarcastic and instead came off as sincere. Lucy, the guy is undoubtedly a poorly-endowed loser! (Though dickless, he does have balls: it must take some kind o' chutzpah to display your shortcomings so boldly.)
Uh, I drive a dingy little Japanese import. Take that for what you will, ladies.
(Disregard the mud flaps with naked women in profile.)
Glad you liked my car.
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